YouTube is a bottomless well of content, and in these trying times when you’re stuck at home, it is easy to lose track of time while watching autoplaying videos. Thankfully, YouTube is adding a new feature called bedtime reminders that will do just what the name suggests – tell you to stop watching funny cat videos and go to sleep.

The Bedtimes reminders tool has started rolling out on Android and iOS, and will reach all users within the next few days. Users can set a start and end time for their video watching sessions ( with the Wait until I finish my video to show reminder option), and can also choose to dismiss or snooze the reminder.

Plus, users can also specify if the bedtime reminder alert should come while they’re watching a video, or wait until it is over. To enable the bedtime reminders feature, go to the Settings menu in the YouTube app, and turn on the Remind me when it’s time for bed tool. Once there, you can set the start and end time for the alert.

Source: Google