Back in May, Twitter began testing a new feature that allows users to limit who can reply to their tweets. But so far, the feature has been limited to a small bunch of users in the test circles. Thankfully, that changes now. Twitter has announced that users across the globe can now access this feature and keep unwanted replies from strangers at bay.

Before posting a tweet, users will be able to choose between three options to control who can reply to their tweets – everyone (default setting), only people you follow, and only people you mention in a tweet. If you go with any of the last two options, the reply icon below the tweet will be grayed out, making it clear to ‘everyone’ that they can’t reply to that particular tweet.

However, people who have been restricted from replying will still be able to view, like, retweet and share that tweet with others. Twitter says that the new reply limiting tool helps “some people feel safer and could lead to more meaningful conversations, while still allowing people to see different points of view.”