Do you ever stop to think how dramatically smartphone packaging has changed over the last few years? If you were a smartphone early adopter, you undoubtedly remember the oversized boxes that were used for packaging. While these huge boxes gave OEMs plenty of room to be more creative with the imagery used on the outside of the box, they weren't particularly eco-friendly. Today, in an effort to reduce packaging material (good for cost savings and the environment), smartphone packaging has become very much minimal. On the extreme end, we have the Droid X and Droid 2, which have boxes that are virtually no taller than the devices themselves. Sure, smaller packaging also means that OEMs have a good excuse not to include accessories like a case or screen protector, but hey, who wants that anyway (we do!). Here's a video showcasing some old (and new) smartphone boxes. Feel free to share a photo in the comments of an old smartphone box you have laying around.