The RED Hydrogen One didn’t make a good first impression with the tech media. Critical reception from the device itself to the head and tail of the purchase and ownership processes has been generally poor.

For a digital cinematography company that makes amazing cameras, we knew that its first phone would come with challenges. Major challenges. One aspect of the phone that would compound those challenges was modular expandability — accessories that would complement the “brain” of machine with stronger optics and monitors and more.

One Andrew Shelton in the community forums noticed while he was checking the main site for the Hydrogen One for drawings of the modules and found that all mention of the modules and the pogo plugs on the device have been removed from the site. We checked and did find that the pogo pins were mentioned in the specifications while the “modularity” was tagged in a video blog from October.

A chain of responses fostered doubt in the development of the modules before Gregory Karydis, a moderator, tried to keep hopes up, saying that fans should wait until the company has completed deliveries on all pre-orders for its Titanium Hydrogen One phones.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the drawing was removed for something more accurate to take it’s place,” Karydis told the forum. “Trying to read between the lines can lead to premature and unsubstantiated disappointment. I’m baffled as to why you would want to do that to yourselves…”

Shelton has repeatedly called for an employee or an executive (up to founder Jim Jannard) to make a statement to clear up the situation — perhaps say that the website was edited in anticipation of upcoming announcements — but there has been nothing official just yet.

Meanwhile, the RED faithfuls versus the module skeptics have been grinding each other’s gears in the vacuum of assurances.