It’s put Super VOOC to phone batteries, but now, Chinese tech company OPPO has announced a performance protocols engine for its smartphones called Hyper Boost — it’s just a few letters away from “hype beast” and there may be reason to draw the comparison.

The way Hyper Boost works is that it allows what it calls “real-time two-way dialogs” for 50 different hardware and software scenarios between applications and the system resources feeding them. This bridging allows the system to more quickly adjust output to support what the end user is doing at the moment.

A dedicated apps engine focuses on platform-level programs like WeChat, Taobao and QQ. On the gaming front, OPPO has been able to optimize Hyper Boost for “Honor of Games” and “PUBG Mobile” plus nine other top games and is “well-equipped” to tackle all of the top 100 mobile games. It fits in with Unreal, Unity and Cocos engines and OPPO has partnerships with Tencent and Netease to integrate Hyper Boost.

The company has spent at least three years on this effort for Qualcomm and MediaTek chips and is able to boast an average savings of 32 percent on app load times.

As to when this progress goes public in new hardware and software, we’ll have to wait and see.