Windows Phone is in smack dab the middle of some major re-branding. We started talking about such rumors in earnest back in early September, but the evidence predates even that: Microsoft would pick up the Lumia name directly, dropping the “Nokia” bit in the process, and Windows Phone would shorten to simply “Windows,” emphasizing the connectedness of Microsoft’s ecosystem across form factors. We may not have gotten any big formal announcement for the latter, but Microsoft essentially confirmed the news with its announcement of Windows 10. The effort to phase out Nokia has been picking up more and more circumstantial evidence, and now it’s reportedly official, as Microsoft confirms its plans to the press.

Speaking with The Verge, Microsoft spokespeople have apparently confirmed the company’s intent to make the Nokia name a thing of its mobile past, continuing from efforts to transition websites from the Nokia brand to Microsoft, to re-brand Nokia social accounts as Microsoft’s – Nokia France should be among the first to make that switch, joined by others in the weeks to come as they move to “Microsoft Lumia.”

That certainly seems in line with previous rumors about Microsoft’s desire to see this change effected in time for the holiday season, so enjoy the presence of Nokia and Microsoft’s names together while you can – you may not be seeing them in close proximity anymore starting sooner than you’d realize.

Update: Nokia France publicly confirms the same on Facebook, posting (translated): “In the coming days, you will receive a Facebook message regarding the change of name of this page. We are on the verge of becoming ‘Microsoft Lumia!””

Source: The Verge