Motorola RAZR is an excellent specimen of engineering, and also a pricey one at $1,500. But all that folding glamour and blast-from-the-past charisma comes at a high cost – repairablity.

iFixit has given the Motorola RAZR its signature teardown treatment, and has awarded it a terrible repairability score of 1/10. A lot of it has to do with Motorola’s gratuitous use of glue under the hood.

Additionally, replacing the two battery packs will require one to almost fully disassemble the Motorola RAZR. On top of that, the network of cables and the soldered charging port make it a tricky task to repair the phone.

Needless to say, Motorola’s after sales support team won’t exactly jump at the opportunity of repairing a broken RAZR. Take a look at iFixit’s Motorola RAZR teardown video below:

Source: iFixit