Apple made the latest iOS and iPadOS distribution numbers public on its developer website. It should come as no surprise that only three weeks after its release, iOS 13 is already running on more than half (55 percent) of iPhones sold in the last four years. 38% are still using the previous version, iOS 12, and only 7% are running on an earlier version of the mobile operating system.

iPadOS is the first version of iOS rebranded (and adapted) to the iPad, as of version 13. It is already on 41% of slates sold in the past four years, while 51% are still running iOS 12.

These numbers prove, once again, the advantages of controlling both hardware and software. This is similar to Google and its Pixel phones (maybe the Essential too, which is keeping up). Other manufacturers are slower to update their phones to the latest versions of Android because of the complexity of the operation. Sony had an excellent explanation and description of the entire process last year. Check it out!