“See Closer” and “See Brighter,” Huawei says in new commercials for its upcoming P20 series of smartphones.

The P20 lite, P20 and P20 Pro are expected to debut in Paris on March 27 and the latter two are supposed to feature some of the biggest boasts in smartphone photography yet with 40-megapixel imaging and optical zoom on a three-camera system.

Simply demonstrated, one ad shows what would be typified as a “professional photographer” with multiple cameras on braced on his neck standing next to a woman using what would presumably be a P20 phone. The “pro” changes between his bulky DSLRs with different focal length lenses to shoot like crazy while the P20 user stands where she is taking all the pictures she needs.

The other ad also features said “pro-tographer” setting up multiple flash units and refraction umbrellas to achieve a photo that the same woman can take on her P20.

It’s exactly two weeks until launch day. Learn more details about specs and pricing in the highlighted links.