We’re living through two simultaneous crises. First, the coronavirus outbreak has obliterated the national economy—making it exceedingly difficult for average Americans to save money and plan for their financial futures. Second, the underlying reality of large-scale climate change has made it frustratingly difficult to plan for the future even when the economy is doing relatively well.

These two problems are exacerbated by the unfortunate myth that you have to choose between remedying one or the other; that saving money and protecting your financial future inevitably means forsaking the environment and cashing in with major corporations and banks that are ruining the climate.

Aspiration is here to eliminate this common misconception, by offering a powerful Spend and Save account that will help you take control of your finances and save the planet at the same time.

Unlike most big banks that cut corners and make shady fossil fuel investments in order to help their bottom line, Aspiration is a company with a conscience.

You’ll be able to save money on purchases while ensuring that your funds and deposits never go toward funding for oil drills, pipelines, or other fossil fuel projects that harm the environment. It’s also easy to get up to 10% cash back on select purchases of products and services that are environmentally friendly and socially conscious.

Your deposits are completely FDIC-insured1, and you’ll have unlimited access to a massive network of over 55,000 Allpoint ATMs throughout the country—all for just $7 a month when you sign up for an Aspiration Plus account. You also have the option of simply paying what you think is fair for an entry-level account that offers up to 3-5% cash back on Conscience Coalition purchases.

Do your financial future and the planet a favor by signing up for an Aspiration Spend and Save Account today and feel better about the way you spend.

1Deposits are FDIC-insured up to $2.46 million per depositor by being swept to FDIC Member Institutions. Visit fdic.gov. Aspiration’s Program Banks.