Someday, in the not too distant future, you may not need to use your hands for even the most difficult tasks a mobile device can perform. Until then, Google continues to lay impressive speech recognition groundwork for folks around the world to at least be able to search for stuff online with just their voice.

A massive 30 new languages “covering more than a billion people” are officially supported in the latest update for both Gboard on Android and Voice Search, bringing the grand total to a staggering 119 “language varieties.”

Instead of typing messages and web queries, native speakers of Amharic, Bengali, Georgian, Javanese, Latvian, Nepali, Swahili and Urdu (to only name a few) can simply tap Gboard’s microphone option and casually start speaking. That is, after pressing the G in the suggestion strip and selecting the Settings wheel to pick their preferred language.

Thanks to machine learning training and extended accuracy-improving work, your spoken words should convert into written text in no time, helping you send important messages to family and friends roughly thrice as fast as it would normally be the case. The same goes for online voice searches once you open the Google app, tap the top-left menu, go to Settings, then pick Voice and select your language.

It’s truly as easy and convenient as it sounds, though obviously, precision and speed will greatly vary based on a multitude of factors. Meanwhile, US-based English speakers can even start using their voice to find the perfect emoji to express their feelings. Neato!