Over the last several years, we’ve become increasingly skeptical over any manufacturer’s ability to change enough from year to year to warrant a consumer flipping a phone after only 12 months. Apple makes the most impassioned case for positioning technology products as lifestyle accessories. Each year they deliver a new “look” for that new “season”, much like we might discuss a purse or a pair of shoes. If any company has the goods to convince consumers to part with their cash, it would be Apple.

Screen size and resolution remains the same, the camera is improved, and we get a few lifestyle improvements like enhanced water resistance. So let’s take a look at what’s improved, what’s stayed the same, and what might actually be a downgrade moving from the iPhone 6S to the iPhone 7.

Apple iPhone 7 vs iPhone 6S: 4 Reasons to Upgrade (and 3 Reasons Against)

iPhone 7 Review
iPhone 7 Real Camera Review